Instead of assuming there’s something wrong with you, I’d like to invite you to look at things differently.
Mar 06, 2023Instead of assuming there’s something wrong with you, I’d like to invite you to look at things differently.
The idea that to have the life you want ,you have to push through overwhelm and exhaustion, is A Nonsense.
It might seem like you have no choice - after all, everyone is doing the same. It’s just how things are these days. Everyone’s overwhelmed. Everyone’s too busy. Everyone's exhausted.
You just need to manage your stress better. Toughen up. Prioritise your selfcare. Get more organised.
Or maybe you're waiting until that difficult customer is finally satisfied. Or that tricky colleague leaves. Or you get that promotion. Or your business gets big enough to outsource more of your workload.
Instead of assuming there’s either something wrong with you or something wrong with your environment, I’d like to invite you to look at things differently - to see the nonsense in the assumption that to have the life you want - the one you’ve worked really hard for, already sacrificed much for - you have to push your mind through the concrete fog of overwhelm and your body to exhaustion.
It’s clearly nonsense because the life you worked this hard for definitely did not include continuing to push yourself so hard. The sacrifices - the ‘getting your head down and working hard’ bit - were supposed to be temporary, so that you could have more freedom and more choice over how you spend your time.
I’m pretty sure that you studied hard, built a business or worked your way up the career ladder in order to have a better life than if you’d lazily drifted along without any excitement about your future.
So when does it stop? Retirement?
What if it could stop now, this year - over the next few weeks of working with me?
I specialise in helping hardworking professionals find a way to live the life they worked so hard for in the way they intended to live it - without sacrificing their health and sanity - and, importantly, without having to downsize your dreams or wait for retirement.
If you’d like to know more please book a curiosity call here: