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There’s nothing wrong with you.

its not you Jul 07, 2024
There’s nothing wrong with you.

It’s not you.

There’s nothing wrong with you.

You don’t need to be more organised, fitter, meditate every day, read that pile of books, be tougher, sleep better, eat better, be nicer….

While all of these things could have some benefit, there’s still nothing wrong with you.


You are perfect.

Perfect and a work in progress.


And the work is to let go of all the ways you think there is something fundamentally wrong with you.

There isn't

It's not you.

It's overwhelm.


Overwhelm blocks all the easier ways to move through your day.

Deal with the overwhelm first and the things you think you need to do and fix will either disappear or be easier to do or fix.


Overwhelm is a trickster.

Seems like nothing.

Or a weakness.

Isn't everyone overwhelmed?

Yes, probably.


But that doesn't mean it's nothing.

Or ‘just the way things are’.

Or just the price you pay to have the success you want.


That’s clearly A Nonsense.

How can overwhelm and exhaustion be the price you pay for success? Aren’t they, by definition, the opposite of success?



Overwhelm is a serious problem because it's much harder to think straight when your mind feels like concrete and your attention is flying at a million miles an hour through time and space.

And when it's harder to think straight everything is harder, mistakes are made, more things look like they need fixing. Everything looks urgent when you're looking at it through overwhelm.

Deal with the overwhelm first.


Allow your mind to clear before starting your day, starting a meeting, making a decision, writing that email.



By practising. By making overwhelm optional.


I have lots of ways. All designed to fit into your day and support you as you shift, gently but firmly, out of overwhelm being your default setting into the clarity, ease, joy, peace, energy that starts to seep in the more you practise.


This week, I invite you to practise noticing the ways you are criticising yourself, adding things to your Invisible Self Improvement List. Just notice them, not try to do anything with them or change anything. 

Noticing is powerful. Self awareness is the first step.

Making overwhelm optional for yourself is a skill.

Start by noticing all the ways you believe there’s something fundamentally wrong with you.

And then drop the judgement around these things - curiosity will help you here.

Neutrally notice.


That’s it.

Probably sounds too small but isn’t that why you signed up for this adventure with me?







Whatever you do - don’t add this to your Must Read List

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