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Worried you might have to give up your dream home?

having it all tiny-huge life-changing practices Jun 16, 2023

Do you sometimes worry you’re not going to be able to keep working in this way for much longer and that you might not be able to keep the house you pinch yourself that you get to live in?


I’m fortunate to live in my dream home. I live in a cottage with a rambling half acre in the kind of sleepy English village you wander around on holiday wishing you could live in.


But I definitely over-stayed in a job that was killing me to be able to get the mortgage for it. Because it wasn't easy to find and after two years we’d all but given up. And then there it was just a 15 minute commute from that job that was killing me.


After mortgaging up to the hilt, I crashed and burned just under a year after we moved in. And as I struggled to regain my health, I resented the house for a long time. Maybe we shouldn't have dared aim so high. Maybe we should give up, take the pressure off and go back to our old house where the mortgage was tiny.


But even in those darkest days at my lowest ebb, deep down I knew that giving up my hard- worked-for dream home wouldn't solve the problem. 


Instead I found a way to have it all - keep the dream home (even if it meant a long delay in fixing the leaky walls) whilst rebuilding my health, clawing back my confidence and creating a business that supports me in being myself, living healthily and confidently in my cottage in the kind of sleepy English village you wander around on holiday wishing you could live in.


How did I do this? By deciding it was possible for me. And then looking for the easiest most me way. Tiny-huge life-changing practices.


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