Your secret struggle to maintain the life you've worked so hard to create is a strength.
Apr 14, 2024
What if your secret struggle to maintain the life you’ve worked so hard to create is a strength, not a weakness?
I believe it is.
Here’s why:
Firstly, it’s secret.
Regardless of how you feel, you are holding it together. You are maintaining your professional dignity, even when you feel like screaming and melting down, even on the days you travel home with tears inconveniently leaking down your face and get in the door and become a wailing banshee at home.
You are doing your job really well despite feeling under breaking pressure.
That takes courage, determination and commitment.
Secondly, the symptoms of stress and overwhelm are a sign that your stress systems are functioning. You may not know what to do with them yet, you may think they mean more than they do, but actually your nervous system is in fine fettle. It's keeping you safe.
And even though that feels miserable and incredibly inconvenient, it’s highly useful information.
Lastly, the struggle comes from your inability to settle. Your struggle comes from your inner rebel who wants you to break out of this nonsense and shout “freedom!” like Mel Gibson in Braveheart (thanks to my awesome client who came up with this in a recent coaching session - so apt)
Your secret struggle to maintain the life you've worked so hard to create is a strength.
“But it's miserable Heidi! I don't want to feel like this any more. I'm exhausted and I'm scared I’m going to blow it and lose everything I’ve worked so hard for.”
I agree. And from where I'm looking, on the other side of my own catastrophic struggle, it’s all A Nonsense and it's time to quit the struggle and start listening to that inner rebel’s cries for freedom and your nervous system’s guidance for course correction.
It's time to commit to gently rebelling against The Utter Nonsense that to have the life you want you have to push through overwhelm and exhaustion. Because, how can success possibly mean the exclusion of clarity, ease and wellness?
How do we break free?
Deal with the overwhelm first and all the easier ways to move through your day will start to become visible, just like they will with hindsight, when you look back on this time and wonder why it took so long to say yes to yourself and that call for freedom.
Learn how to live more skilfully - by tapping into your internal navigation system. Develop a strong mind, courageous heart and fit body.
The answers you seek are inside of you. Clear the overwhelm to find them.
If you’d like some help with that adventure please book a Curiosity Call here.
Have an unexpectedly lovely week.
P.S. I’m off on a pilgrimage. This time next week I will be exploring Porto and picking up my Credencial del Peregrino from Porto Cathedral. The next edition of GRR will be written when I get home and sent to you on Sunday 11th May. In the meantime please feel free to enjoy my podcast, book or currently massively discounted course.