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The Gently Rebellious Blog: Turning Overwhelm Into Joy

Feeling overwhelmed or burned out? Discover simple, inspiring ways to gently rebel against stress and create a life that feels lighter, calmer, and more aligned. Through personal stories and practical strategies, this blog offers a nourishing space to explore, reflect and reconnect with what truly matters to you.

Climbing without pushing myself through fear comfort zone fear Nov 10, 2023

A few weeks ago I gave a talk at a Business Women In event.


It’s still resonating with me - the clarity of thinking that comes from having to present my ideas to others.


It was...

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The Fear and Joy of Harvesting Purple Potatoes fear tiny huge Jun 19, 2023

I’ve just harvested my first potatoes of the year. They're purple. Magnificently purple. And far bigger than expected considering the lack of rain.The sheer joy of this is hard to put into...

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It's time to release the fear and start living again anxiety fear podcast Jun 30, 2021

It’s time to heal. It’s time to celebrate. It’s time to start living again.


Media and marketing messages have always tended to be doom laden but the deliberate misuse of...

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