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The Gently Rebellious Blog: Turning Overwhelm Into Joy

Feeling overwhelmed or burned out? Discover simple, inspiring ways to gently rebel against stress and create a life that feels lighter, calmer, and more aligned. Through personal stories and practical strategies, this blog offers a nourishing space to explore, reflect and reconnect with what truly matters to you.

Transforming the tricky stuff into the opportunity to find more freedom to be yourself. authenticity branding podcast Aug 18, 2024


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the power of deciding to see something as for me, regardless of what it is.

And this week I recorded a really rich conversation with the lovely ...

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What do you want? heart podcast purpose May 11, 2022

What do you want?


And why is this deceptively simple question so difficult to answer?


It seems like such a nice question to be asked but can actually be one of the hardest questions I...

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Feeling the pressure to postpone your life 'temporarily'? podcast postpone pressure Nov 24, 2021

The pressure you feel to keep ‘temporarily’ postponing your life is not coming from your external circumstances.


If you’re sick of wondering why you struggle to find the...

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Wish you could hang on to that holiday feeling? holidayfeeling mindbody podcast Sep 29, 2021

Wish you could hang on to that holiday feeling?


What is it about holidays? We long for them and sometimes they give us just what we need but then that feeling slips away and we’re left...

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It's time to release the fear and start living again anxiety fear podcast Jun 30, 2021

It’s time to heal. It’s time to celebrate. It’s time to start living again.


Media and marketing messages have always tended to be doom laden but the deliberate misuse of...

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Episode 67: Weathering storms (because there will always be something to disturb your coffee) podcast weathering storms Jun 16, 2021

There will always be something to disturb your coffee. There will always be big and small storms to knock you off course. Practising weathering tiny storms is the way to get better at weathering...

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Episode 66: Unexpectedly Lovely Things podcast unexpectedly lovely things Jun 09, 2021

Was your week unexpectedly lovely? Deliberately looking for something Unexpectedly Lovely on the hour every hour is one of my Tiny-Huge Life-Changing practices. Here’s why.

The human mind is...

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Settling back into the moment moment podcast Jun 01, 2021

We miss so much by rushing on past moments, always on to the next things to do or see or be.

As I bridge the gap between launching my new programme 'Get Your Life Back' and starting working with...

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Are you overwhelmed by 'shoulds' and 'betters'? overwhelm podcast May 12, 2021

Overwhelmed by ‘shoulds’ and ‘betters’?


Sometimes we can overwhelm ourselves. Noticing this gives us power to get out of overwhelm.


Looking back, it was the...

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Who are you listening to? podcast tiny-huge life-changing practices May 05, 2021

It's so easy to get distracted from what's really important.

It's so easy to become disconnected from ourselves.

Episode 59 of The Overwhelm is Optional Podcast is all about listening to yourself...

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Episode 57: Three Tiny-Huge Life-Changing ways to start your day differently podcast tiny-huge life-changing practices Apr 21, 2021

Want to get your life back from that exhausting struggle between trying to hold together the life you’ve worked so hard to create and actually enjoy it?


Start by taking your waking...

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Time is not an excuse bodymindfulness neutralnoticing podcast Oct 20, 2020

Time is not an excuse


Episode 31 of The Overwhelm is Optional Podcast is now live


If you've been following this podcast for a while you'll know I have a brilliant method for getting...

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